MMF: An Innovative Unilateral Liquidity Provision Paradigm in DeFi World

TiTi Protocol
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2023


On the occasion of the launch of the TiTi mainnet, Let’s re-introduced TiTi Protocol’s new DeFi unilateral liquidity yield farm product, MMF.

What is MMF?

MMF is a new paradigm of DeFi yield farming products launched by TiTi Protocol. The full name is Market Maker Fund. From the name, we can know that MMF is a product for users to farm by providing liquid crypto native assets. There are two types of income from MMF Yield Farm. The first is the governance token of the TiTi protocol, TiTi Token. The second type of income is the slippage income of the native crypto assets during the minting and redemption process of the TiTi Protocol’s stablecoin TiUSD. In the early stage of the project, this income was USDC. After the project introduces multi-assets, the benefits will be diverse, such as WBTC, eth and other native crypto assets. MMF uses the original TiTi-AMMs algorithm to amplify the liquidity efficiency of the user’s funds, and at the same time create a double depth for the pool. When the user trades TiUSD/USDC, the depth is better and the slippage is lower.

Why should you use MMF to yield farming?

The operation of MMF is to provide unilateral liquidity through stake USDC. The operation is simple, you only need to do one approval and one stake. It has the following features: zero risk, no impermanent loss, two incomes, no fees, no lock-up for deposit and withdrawal at any time, no need to open a position, high dynamic APY return.

How can I Participate in MMF and earn double income ?

TiTi Protocol alocates 2 million Governance Tokens, TiTi, as mainnet launch bootstrap rewards for early supporters and as you can see from the picture below, the MMF APY is quite high at the very beginning. To Participate in MMF and earn double income all you need to do is as follows.

  • Land on and connect your wallet
  • Approve USDC
  • Stake USDC
  • You are farming TiTi and USDC at the same time
  • Claim your rewards whenever you like

TiTi Protocol has completed a 3-round smart contract audit by Slowmist, Hacken and Peckshield. Users’ asset safety is our top priority and please use our product with ease.

What are the advantages of MMF?

Compared with other DeFi liquidity mining products. MMF has the follow advantages;

1️⃣Zero-threshold participation, easy to operate

Any defi user can participate in MMF with zero threshold as long as they hold the assets supported in the corresponding MMF, such as USDC. Moreover, participating in MMF is very simple. You only need to do one approval and one stake.

2️⃣Zero risk, unilateral liquidity provision, no fee, no impermanent loss

Providing liquidity in MMF is zero risk, it’s Principal Guaranteed Deposit. As an innovative paradigm, your deposited Liquidity in MMF can not be traded because it’s only used to deepen the liquidity in TiTi-AMMs and calculate the slippage when users mint and redeem TiUSD in TiTi-AMMs. It’s a brand new AMM virtual liquidity algorithm that can effectively reduce slippage and controls TiUSD’s issuance. It must be clear that, when stablecoin users are minting or redeeming TiUSD in TiTi-AMMs, the liquidity you provided in MMF will never be used to transfer to them. The fund are just used to amplify the Pool’s liquidity. You can 100% unstake and withdraw your funds no matter how stablecoins price are change.

The liquidity provided in MMF is single sided token, USDC, and there is no need to do LP pair, no need to buy TiUSD, so there will be no impermanent loss, which greatly reduces the threshold for users to participate in the use.

There are no other risks such as liquidation, and there is no need to set a series of parameter settings such as liquidation lines like participating in MakerDAO.

3️⃣Flexible deposit and withdrawal, no withdrawal fee

MMF is very flexible, and users can deposit and withdraw at any time, without any withdrawal restrictions, and will not charge any fees.

4️⃣Dual mining with one Stake, Higher capital efficiency

As mentioned above, there are two kinds of benefits for users to Yield Farm in MMF. The first is the governance token of the TiTi Protocol, TiTi Token. The second type of income is the slippage income of the native crypto assets during the casting and redemption process of the TiTi Protocol stablecoin TiUSD. In the early stage of the project, this income was USDC. After the project introduces multi-assets, the benefits will be diverse, such as WBTC, eth and other native crypto assets. So participating in MMF can greatly improve your capital efficiency.

How Market Maker Fund Works?

Market Maker Fund (MMF) is a decentralized single-asset yield farming product issued by TiTi Protocol with PAV as the source of dividends. MMF aims to raise more market-making funds and increase market-making depth to further reduce user transaction slippage and enhance the protocol’s anti-risk ability.

For one thing, compared with the LP mining model, MMF participants do not need to bear the risk of Impermanent Loss by holding a certain token. Impermanent Loss will reduce their participation willingness. In terms of use of funds, MMF is more similar to traditional market makers issuing funds to raise money. Furthermore, MMF is free of punishment and users can choose to participate or exit from the MMF at any time. MMF will automatically divide profits according to the proportion of individual funds.

Therefore, MMF increases the depth of the M-AMM, reduces transaction slippage and further improves user experience. For MMF participants, it is a risk-free investment subject. TiUSD holders, MMF participants, and the Protocol itself can achieve a win-win situation.Therefore, MMF increases the depth of the M-AMM, reduces transaction slippage and further improves user experience. For MMF participants, it is a risk-free investment subject. TiUSD holders, MMF participants, and the Protocol itself can achieve a win-win situation.

About TiTi Protocol

TiTi Protocol is a decentralized, 100% collateral backed, crypto native stablecoin, aiming to provide diversified and decentralized financial services based on the crypto-native stablecoin system and autonomous monetary policy.

TiUSD is the stablecoin issued by TiTi Protocol.

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No-Liquidation-Risk and Revenue-Earning Stablecoin 100+% collateralled by Multi-Asset-Reserve